In Going Medieval you are going to have to face your enemies down in battle at some point. With a multitude of weapons to choose from it you’ll have to decide which weapons you’d like to craft and what sort of defensive style you will take. For example, perhaps you will build arrow towers and rain hell from above. Maybe you will arm all of your settlers with swords and shields and create a shield wall.
Whichever style suits you, I am going to count down the three best weapons in Going Medieval. I won’t necessarily take the highest 3 damage weapons, but sort them into three ‘best’ categories. I will have a weapon for the 3 following criteria:
- Best Ranged Weapon
- Best Weapon Against Armor
- Best All-Round Weapon
Without further ado, let’s begin the list.
The Best Ranged Weapon in Going Medieval
One of the best types of defense you can have is a ranged defense. By using ranged weapons you are able to start fighting your enemies before they even get to your settlers. Another great thing about using a ranged weapon is height. The higher your settlers are above the target, the further they will be effective. This means a settler 3 levels up in a tower will be able to hit enemies quite far away.
All of the ranged weapons are created at the Bowyer’s Table and are unlocked through different stages of research. The last ranged weapon and greatest that can be acquired currently in the game is the Heavy Crossbow.

Although the Heavy Crossbow has a lower base DPS than the Longbow, the sheer stopping power is great. The bows may be fine for some of the early-game raiders but once they start coming with heavy armor, you will be happy to have a few crossbows in your defensive line. These are really great for chipping away at the enemies’ armor so they will be more exposed to your melee attacks or even just not make it to them at all.
The Best Anti-Armor Weapon
Speaking or armored opponents…. They will come eventually. Don’t let the first few raids make you feel too confident. As your game continues the raids will get harder and harder. This includes your opponents getting more heavily armored and even eventually bringing siege weapons with them. One of the best ways to combat armor in Going Medieval is by using a blunt weapon. The best blunt weapon you’re able to create is the two-handed mace.

This heavy weapon is going to take up two hands (as the name suggest) so your settler won’t have a shield to protect them. That being said, they probably won’t actually need one as one or two swings from a decent melee settler will send a raider flying. The two handed mace absolutely smashes through enemy shield and armor, leaving the rest of them exposed. With a base DPS of 6.67 it’s pretty high up there in the stats too.
Best All-Rounder
There always has to be one. Every game has that one weapon that makes you wonder why on earth you tried anything else before. In Going Medieval it will be a long wait before you get to the best weapon. As it is the best, you will have to research A LOT in order to unlock it. When you come to the very end of the Blacksmithing research you will unlock Swords. This includes the best all-round weapon in the game, the Longsword.

The longsword, shown above in it’s steel variant is a great all-round weapon due to it’s stats. It is pretty proficient against both armored opponents and does a lot of slashing damage to non-armored opponents. The one drawback i’d have to say it has is that it can only be used two-handed. This makes the great defensive aspect of a shield completely wasted. But, with a staggering 10.67 DPS your opponent shouldn’t get too many hits on your settler anyway.
Be aware that your settler will have to have a pretty high melee skill before they can use it. 15 to be exact. Once you have a settler with a decent melee skill wielding this bad boy, your enemies will be running for the hills in no time.
Materials and Weapon Qualities
When weapons are in the production queue, you are able to decide which materials will be used to create it. Currently in Going Medieval there are three different materials that can be used at the blacksmith to create weapons. These are, Iron, Steel and Gold. Steel is the best resource that can currently be used in Going Medieval, followed by iron and then gold. Whilst gold is the most rare of the three metals, it isn’t really suited to weaponry due to it’s soft nature.

I don’t really know why they decided to add the ability to use gold to manufacture weapons. Perhaps these weapons will be worth more when trading becomes an option in Going Medieval. Whatever the reason, for now remember, do not waste your gold trying to create strong weapons!
Another factor to take into account is quality levels. When a weapon is created it will be given a descriptive word at the start of the name. For example, Flimsy or Fine. This relates to the quality of the weapon. The greater your smith’s ability, the better quality the weapons will be. Higher quality weapons will have a higher damage bonus and also have a higher durability so it is always a good idea to have your best smith creating the weapons!