Moving a chest in Stardew Valley

How to move a chest in Stardew Valley

To move a chest in Stardew Valley you must first empty all of the items out of the chest. After the chest is empty simply use any of your tools such as the axe, hoe, or pick on the chest. This will allow you to pick up the chest item and place it wherever you want.

Slaver caravan arrived at the colony - Rimworld

How to trade in Rimworld

Trading is a huge part of Rimworld. Sometimes you just need those few supplies or items to get your colony to the next level. Sometimes you just need some cloth for a billiard table. We will all need to trade at some point in Rimworld and today we will go through some of your options for trading in Rimworld.

2 Different Ancient dangers right next to each other in Rimworld

What is an Ancient Danger in Rimworld?

Whilst playing Rimworld you may get an alert on screen warning that a colonist has sensed danger when walking close to an ancient wall. This means that in the tile next to the pawn is an ancient danger. An ancient danger is a room completely sealed by walls that will house some type of hostile enemy and quite often some ancient soldiers in cryosleep along with some decent loot.

How to get more colonists in Rimworld, an image of many different colonists/pawns

How to get more colonists in Rimworld

There are a few different ways to get more colonists in Rimworld. Some of the methods rely solely on chance. Different storytellers and difficulty settings will affect your chances at getting new colonists through storyteller events. Straight off the bat, here are a few different ways of getting more colonists in Rimworld:

A colonist butchering an animal in Rimworld

How to butcher animals in Rimworld

To butcher animals in Rimworld you must first build a Butcher Table. After the butcher table is build, select the table and under the Add Bills tab select the Butcher Animals option. Your colonists that are assigned to cooking will automatically find animal corpses and butcher them to obtain meat and materials.

Read the Rosewood Map in Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid Rosewood Map – Build 41

Hello survivors! Today we are going in depth on the Rosewood Map in Project Zomboid. It is an item than can obviously help you make your way around town in Rosewood.

Project Zomboid West Point map in-game Build 41

Project Zomboid West Point Map – Build 41

Hello survivors! Today we are running through my favorite little area in Project Zomboid, West Point! The high density, death field of West Point is a town full of hustle and bustle. West Point is one of the spawning locations that can be chosen when playing the sandbox mode of Project Zomboid.

Read the Riverside map in Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid Riverside Map – Build 41

Riverside is an area in Project Zomboid. It is located on the north border of the Project Zomboid map and is obviously, right by the river. It is a small town with a few large buildings to loot. The map for Riverside includes the main town area but doesn’t include some of the outer areas

Using the Muldraugh map menu in Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid Muldraugh Map – Build 41

Muldraugh is an area in Project Zomboid without too many distinctive features. It has a general small town vibe and apart from the large military area nearby doesn’t really have much hustle and bustle. It is a town build on the side of a highway meaning it is a very accessible area for looting if you have a vehicle.