Cryofall hosts a large world for players to craft, build and fight in. The map has many different biomes to explore and many different objects that can only be found in specific parts. But how are you supposed to know where anything is? Check out this full guide to the Cryofall map.
An Overview of the Cryofall Map

Above you can see the full look of the map of Cryofall. In Cryofall every server has the same map. (Bar custom servers). Unlike a lot of other games of the genre, Cryofall has a map that was designed by the developers. There is no procedural generation here. As you can see from the map, most of the world is made up of different colored zones. These zones lay out the different biomes that are available in the game. Th most common biome, which is the light green is known as the temperate forest biome. Here you will find the odd tree, grassland and mushrooms growing.
Using The Map in Cryofall
There are a few different function you will need to learn about the map in Cryofall. For example, you can quickly access the map whilst playing the game by pressing the map hotkey. The default hotkey to open up the map is the M key. With the map open, you will only be able to see the areas that your character has already explored. in order to show the whole map, you’ll need to travel there.
Each area of the map has a certain set of coordinates. you can right-click on the map to copy the coordinates of an area you would like to share. Press the copy coordinates button and you will be able to share these in the chat. Be careful not to give your position away to any hostiles though! You can zoom the map in and out by using the scroll wheel, or the slider at the top right. Pressing the pin symbol will show you where you character currently is.
World Events

From time to time world event pay happen that will be available on the map. When you open up the map and see a yellow circle such as the ones on the image above, there is a certain world event happening there. In the one above, there is some highly valuable junk in the location. The area is fairly broad so you will have to search the area which is outlined thoroughly to find the resources. These world events are also timed.
The Biomes on the Cryofall Map
As aforementioned the map of Cryofall is split into multiple different biomes. Each one of these areas has it’s own resources and enemies. For example, you can go looking for sand over at the beach, but you won’t find any mushrooms growing there.
The biomes available in Cryofall are:
Temperate Forest:
Shown in light-green on the map this is probably one of the safest biomes. Here you will find mushrooms and berries to forage. Although it is one of the safest biomes, don’t think you are out of the woods. There are still snakes and wolves that will be here wanting to eat you. Keep on your guard and think about setting up one of your first bases here.

The lime-green dotted areas around the map are home to meadows. These are relatively peaceful areas that are great for foraging berries and fruit. There aren’t many trees or other resources here though. Another great place to find herbs.
The mossy green area on the West side of the world map is home to the swamp. As you can imagine, this is a wet, dense area with slimy creatures to boot. This is one of the areas on the map where you can loot oil for yourself.

The ruins are areas of civilization that once were. You will find some tough enemies protecting this place and sometimes interesting loot. The worst thing about this biome however, is the possible radiation poisoning your character can get from staying here for a long time. If you are exposed to radiation your character may form a mutation and take increased radiation, limiting your ability to enter ruins again.
There are only two areas of volcano on the entire map of Cryofall. You can see small red dots on top of mountains on the left side of the map and the top right. These are very dangerous areas but home to some of the most rare resources.
Rocky Mountains

A miners dream! Rocky mountains are raised areas of land with many ores and rock able to be mined. Come prepared with a pickaxe if you’re looking for a rocky mountain. The greyish colors you can see all over the map are rocky mountain areas. This means there are plenty of places to mine stone and ore across the map.
Boreal Forest
Another type of forest which takes up a large part of the map. The entire top third of the map is boreal forest. This is slightly more dangerous than the temperate forest but home to some other interesting resources including coal. A great little place to check out if you’re planning on upgrading your technology anytime soon.
Also known as desert. This barren wasteland is a hot area with little to no resources. You will find many dangerous creatures here such as hyenas. Try to avoid this one until you have some decent armor and weapons. The barrens take up the east and north east parts of the map. You can see the yellow/orange color on the right side.

Although no technically a biome, roads take up a significant area of the map and have their own special resources. You will found garbage piles here which can be looted for plastics. The roads are the straight, grey lines that you can see going across the map. There is a significant road system connected throughout the entire map.
Lake Shores/Temperate Beach
Grouped together as they pretty much function in the same way. These beaches will be areas where you will be able to collect sand. Enemies such as crabs can be found on both of these areas. The beach surrounds the entire map whereas the lake shores can be found around each lake.
Tropical Forest
At the bottom left and bottom right of the world map you will see a slightly off-green color. This is what is known as the tropical forest. Along with the temperate forest, the tropical forest is one of the safest biomes on the map of Cryofall. This area is home to rubber trees.
Clay Pit/Salt Pit

A small pit in a biome which will lead to a larger than normal resource spawn. Clay pits are the reddish brown dots across the map and can spawn across most biomes. Salt pits are only found in the barren and are shown as dark grey areas on the map.