Chemfuel is a one of the resources that the player can obtain for their colony in Rimworld. In a game where there is a huge amount of materials and items at play it can all get a bit confusing. This guide will tell you ways on how you can obtain chemfuel and that it can be used for in Rimworld.
How to Get Chemfuel in Rimworld
There are 4 ways that you can get Chemfuel in Rimworld:
- By milking adult Boomalopes once they have been tamed.
- By processing organics and wood at a Biofuel Refinery once built.
- Getting chemfuel from an Infinite chemreactor
- Trading with other colonies
Obviously the easiest of these options is to just trade for chemfuel. Keep in mind that not every type of Settlement or trader will stock chemfuel. You will generally only find them at larger town settlements. I will go into detail on all of the methods above.

Using Boomalopes to Get Chemfuel
The only natural source of chemfuel in Rimworld comes from Boomalopes. Once you have tamed boomalopes they can be a great source of chemfuel. If you select one of your tamed boomalopes you will see that they have a Milk fullness level. Over time a boomalope will store up this ‘milk’. Once this level has reached 100% one of your colonists which are assigned to the Handling skill will come over and milk the animal. Chemfuel will be obtained through milking this boomalope.

Keep in mind that only adult boomalopes can produce chemfuel. Younger ones will never be able to be milked. Boomalopes are a great pet to farm as they can also reproduce and create another source of chemfuel. Keep in mind when having boomalopes in your colony that there is a reason they have ‘boom’ at the start of their named. When boomalopes die… well, you get the picture.
Get Chemfuel From a Biofuel Refinery
Another way that you can obtain chemfuel is by processing organic matter and wood at a biofuel refinery. Here, your colonists will put in a certain material and refine it into chemfuel. In order to build a biofuel refinery in your colony you will have to research the technology first. To do this, open up the research menu at the bottom of the screen. Find the research task titled Biofuel refining. Now, build a biofuel refinery which can be found under the Production heading. Once the refinery is built you can create bills here to make chemfuel out of whichever item you wish.

Select the refinery and choose the option to add a bill. Here you have two choices; Create chemfuel from wood or from organics. Organics can be anything from raw meat and flesh to plant matter. This can be further refined by pressing the details button on the bill. Your colonists will come and refine these objects into chemfuel whenever the task has priority.
Getting Chemfuel From an Infinite Chemreactor
This is a strange one but deserved a spot on the list as it is probably the best way to get chemfuel in the game. The infinite chemreactor is a rare item. This item can only be obtained as a quest reward from one of the world quests that may appear. This would be a rare item quest, or it could come as a reward from trading or doing something for another faction. The infinite chemreactor simply takes electricity and pumps out chemfuel every so often. You will not need to input any kind of materials into the infinite chemreactor to keep it burning.
Trading to Get Chemfuel
As with most items, chemfuel can be obtained through trade. From time to time you will have trading caravans come to the colony. (That is unless every faction on the map declares you an enemy). They may have a small amount of chemfuel with them that you can purchase with silver. You could also trade unwanted items for chemfuel. This one is pretty straightforward.

You can send out your own trade caravans across the world map in order to try and buy chemfuel whenever you need it. Keep in mind that most smaller tribal factions probably won’t have any chemfuel for sale. You will have to go to the larger settlements for chemfuel. The Empire faction from the Royalty DLC will almost always have a good supply of chemfuel that can be traded for. Trading is definitely the easiest way you can get chemfuel.
Once you’re far enough in the game you will also unlock a Comms console. Using the comms console and an orbital trade beacon you can trade with passing trade ships. These can sometimes have large amounts of chemfuel on offer.
That was 4 different ways to get chemfuel in Rimworld. Have any suggestions on what to write about next? Leave a comment below.