This guide will tell you everything you need to know about playing the champion Leona in mobile game League of Legends: Wild Rift. This guide will tell you the best Leona builds, runes, spells and what roles are good with Leona in Wilf Rift. Is Leona good in Wild Rift? Let’s find out.
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About Leona
Leona’s Abilities
- Passive Ability: Sunlight
- Ability 1: Shield of Daybreak
- Ability 2: Eclipse
- Ability 3: Zenith Blade
- Ultimate Ability: Solar Flare
- Ability Level Order
Item Builds
How to Play Leona
About Leona in Wild Rift
Leona is a melee champion recently released in an update to League of Legends: Wild Rift. She uses her natural tanky abilities and CC spells and powers to prove herself as one of the best support in the game right now. Most of her kit revolves around being a solid tank and slowing and stunning enemies to help her teammate. Due to the ease of her abilities and natural tankiness she is a fairly easy champion for beginners and very easy to learn with.

Leona is a great tanky support but due to her kit mainly being comprised of CC moves she depends largely on having a good team. Leona is a great initiator for ganks and lane battles but she can be very vulnerable if your teammate doesn’t commit to the fight.
Leona’s Abilities and Level Order
The abilities of Leona are mainly CC attacks like stuns and slows. The abilities can be read below with a short guide on what they do and how they can be used effectively.
Passive Ability: Sunlight

Leona’s passive ability is Sunlight. With this ability, every time Leona hits an enemy champion she deals sunlight on them for 1.5 seconds. When an allied champion hits the enemy the sunlight is consumed and the enemy will take an extra 25 magic damage. This is great for getting a kill early on in the game.
Leona cannot deal the extra damage herself so she’s best played close by a marksman.
Ability 1: Shield of Daybreak

The first active ability Leona has is the Shield of Daybreak. When activated the next basic attack will stun an enemy and deal bonus magic damage. This damage scales with the levelling of this ability. This is basically your initiator. With a short cooldown, you may even get the chance to stun an enemy 2 or three times during a teamfight. Great for getting an early kill in your lane as well.
Ability 2: Eclipse

This one is Leona’s main tank ability. Eclipse gives Leona extra armor and magic resistance for three seconds upon activation. After the three seconds are over, the shield will explode dealing magic damage to enemies near her, (which scales with magic damage). If an enemy is hit with this second effect Leona will retain the extra armor and magic resistance for an extra 3 seconds, keeping her in the fight a lot longer.
The armor and magic resistance both scale from the amount of each defense Leona has. Eclipse is probably Leona’s best ability after the ultimate and should be levelled up as soon as possible. If you can keep an enemy attacking you with this active and your allies are doing damage, chances are you are going to win the fight with your life in tact. Coupled with Leona’s third ability this makes for a pretty great initiation.
Ability 3: Zenith Blade

Zenith Blade is Leona’s third ability. Zenith blade is a skill-shot that allows Leona to root an enemy and dash to their location. Zenith blade works much like Amumu’s bandage toss. Zenith Blade also deals magic damage to the enemy. The ability can hit multiple enemies and can be cast through minions as well. The enemy that is hit last by Zenith Blade will be the one Leona dashes to.
Leona cannot dash to minions or monsters using this ability. Be careful when using it to engage, as without backup from your teammate you can leave yourself pretty vulnerable to the enemies. Leona can cast Eclipse and then dash in with Zenith Blade to perform a nice initiation whilst keeping herself tanky. With Shield of Daybreak she can dash to an enemy and stun them as well.
Ultimate Ability: Solar Flare

Leona’s ultimate ability Solar Flare is a beam of light which comes down from the sky. The beam will deal magic damage to all enemies caught within it’s hitbox and slow them by 80%. If enemies are caught within the middle of the attack they will be stunned for 1.5 seconds instead.
This is one of the best initiation in the game, as you can deal with a whole team in one shot if they are grouped up. This is not only great for chasing down enemies, but also good for getting away as well as the huge 80% stun for 1.5 seconds will leave you with more than enough time to escape.
The ultimate also has a fast enough cooldown that you can basically afford to use it every fight without fear of not having it come back.
What to Level First on Leona
Given her tanky ability you are going to want to get Eclipse to maximum level as soon as possible. Although you probably want to start the game with the Shield of Daybreak first as it has a stun. A great level order would be, all abilities first, eclipse maxed out as soon as possible, (with the ultimate when you can) and then Shield of Daybreak followed by Zenith Blade last.
Best Item Builds For Leona in Wild Rift
We are going to focus on Leona in the support lane for the sake of these builds. Leona is more than capable of handling herself in both the jungle land and top lane but support is her main role and she really shines (pardon the pun) with a great marksman at her side.
One of the best build if you’re up against a strong AD team would be:
- Approaching Winter
- Ninja Tabi
- Protector’s View
- Zeke’s Convergence
- Randuin’s Omen
- Warmog’s Armor/Sunfire Cape
- Gargoyle Enchantment
This is the general order that I try to build Leona’s items when facing an AD heavy team. If you find yourself in teamfights early on in the match, try to get the boot enchantment sooner rather than later as you’ll be using it when you engage in teamfights.

When facing a rather AP heavy team in Wild Rift you generally want to use the following item build:
- Abyssal Mask
- Mercury’s Treads
- Zeke’s Convergence
- Protector’s View
- Adaptive Helm
- Warmog’s Armor/Spirit Visage
- Gargoyle Enchantment
In general you should probably go for Warmogs for the great health boost that it provides which goes great with the Gargoyle Enchantment, but if you’re facing a really AP heavy team then Spirit Visage just seals the deal on that Magic resist.
How to Play Leona in Wild Rift
Leona is a heavy tank and an initiator. You generally want to stay at the front of the teamfight whenever possible. You want to cling to your marksman or assassin like a shadow as Leona has very little kill potential on her own. A good Leona will use her CC to lock down key enemies and peel the damage away from your teammates.
Go in with confidence. Even if you’re getting attacked your tank build and Second ability should keep you from taking too much damage. If you’re rooted, use your pull to cling to another enemy and stay in the fight. Don’t save your ultimate ability. Use it every time your team is fighting as the low cooldown makes it a spamable attack.
Try not to get poked too much in the lane phase and you should be fine.
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