Rubber is one of the most confusing resources in Cryofall. You have to get a lot of it to build anything in the game. As with all the resources there is a process to obtaining and crafting rubber. This guide will show you how to find natural rubber and craft it into rubber which can be used to make things.
How to Get Rubber in Cryofall
To get rubber in Cryofall one must craft it. By combining Natural Rubber and Sulfur Powder at a chemical laboratory the player can create normal rubber. The process of crafting rubber is fairly straightforward. The part most people struggle with is finding natural rubber. See below to find out where you can find natural rubber in Cryofall and learn about crafting rubber.

A Guide on Getting Rubber
The following will be a step-by-step guide on how to get rubber from start to finish in Cryofall. As some of the unlocking and crafting in the game can get a little confusing, I’ll break this down into smaller steps. Each step will have it’s own smaller heading so if you have already gotten somewhere or want specific information you can go straight to the relevant heading. I’ll include jump-links below this text so you can go straight to wherever you’d like. Otherwise, feel free to go through and read the entire thing from start to finish.
- Researching Rubber & Building a Chemical Laboratory
- How to Get Natural Rubber
- Growing Natural Rubber
- Crafting Rubber
Researching Rubber & Building a Chemical Laboratory
Before you are able to craft rubber you will have to research it. Like all other items this is done in the technologies menu. Open up the technologies menu by selecting it at the top of the UI. You can also press G to open it up. The crafting recipe for rubber is found in tier 2. The section we are looking for is chemistry. Open up the chemistry tier 2 technologies and learn everything on the right-hand side.

As you can see rubber is at the bottom right of this technology page. You can also see straight away how to craft rubber. Great! Once you have researched these technologies you are done in this menu for now. We will now move onto building the Chemical Laboratory. First open up the construction menu with the B key. Now, head to Industry and place down the chemical laboratory blueprint. Finish the construction. You are ready to craft up some rubber here. When you use the chemical laboratory you will notice that you need two things in order to create rubber. These are Natural rubber and Sulfur powder. You can read this guide to sulfur if you don’t already know how to get it and I will show int he next section how to get natural rubber.
How to Get Natural Rubber in Cryofall
In Cryofall, you can get natural rubber by cutting down a natural rubber tree. Natural rubber trees are found in the temperate forest biome in the middle of the map. Use an axe on these trees and you will get natural rubber when they have been cut down. See the image below so you know what a rubber tree looks like.

This can be very confusing at first as the game never really tells you the difference between the trees. You will notice that the rubber tree is always quite skinny and white and has a large bushy leaf formation. Basically you are just going to want to cut as many trees down as you can find as you will be needing a lot of rubber in crafting.
You can check out this guide to the map to find the temperate forest.
Growing Your Own Natural Rubber
You can also grow your own natural rubber trees in Cryofall. Occasionally when you cut down rubber tree you will get a rubber tree sapling. This can then be planted in order to grow a rubber tree. Getting a rubber tree sapling from cutting down a rubber tree isn’t always guaranteed though. There isn’t any way that you can get more saplings than usual. It is just down to luck.

Once you have a sapling, put it in your quickbar at the bottom of the inventory. Then, equip the sapling and place it somewhere down on the ground. The tree will take a few days to grow and then it can be harvested.
How to Craft Rubber
Now that we have a good haul of natural rubber and sulfur powder in our inventory we can start to create our own rubber! With your materials in your inventory head to your chemical laboratory. Now, press the right-mouse button on the laboratory to open up the crafting menu. Look for rubber in this menu. You will need 5 natural rubber and 10 sulfur powder for every unit of rubber that you want to craft.

Select the rubber and go to the right of the screen. You can select how much rubber you wish to craft. There isn’t any reason to hang onto your natural rubber as it isn’t really used for anything else. Select the craft button and wait for your rubber to be processed.
That’s all there is to it! Now you just have to wait for your rubber to be crafted. If you have any more questions regarding how to get rubber in Cryofall or anything else, leave a comment below!