Today we are going to be listing all the atgeir weapons available in the current version of Valheim’s early access. We will talk through how they can be crafted and what kind of stats and utility they bring to your hardcore survival experience.
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What is an Atgeir?
Bronze Atgeir
Bronze Atgeir Stats
How to Craft the Bronze Atgeir
Iron Atgeir
Iron Atgeir Stats
How to Craft the Iron Atgeir
Blackmetal Atgeir
Blackmetal Atgeir Stats
How to Craft the Blackmetal Atgeir
What is an Atgeir?
An atgeir is a weapon with a long wooden handle and a large blade on the end. All of the atgeir weapons scale off the polearms skill. This means that when using an atgeir you will gain experience in the polearms skill. Levelling up your polearms skill will increase the amount of damage you can do with this type of weapon. When looking at a weapon’s stats you can see the base damage value, plus another range of values in yellow. The base damage is how much damage the weapon does in general but they yellow value is the real damage your character will do with the weapon and this is based on your skill level.

The atgeir is a great weapon for long-range combat and has a secondary attack that slashes in all directions around the player. This is great for taking on large groups on enemies. One of the downfalls of using an atgeir is that it is a 2-handed weapon, meaning that you won’t be able to use a shield whilst using an atgeir.
All atgeir, being mostly made from metal, are crafted at the forge.
Bronze Atgeir

The first and lowest tier of the atgeir is a bronze atgeir. This is going to be a lot of players first look at the atgeir and the polearms skill. The atgeir’s handle looks quite basic and just appears to be a smooth long piece of wood. The blade glows a nice gold color in the sunlight if the player has reflections turned on.
The bronze atgeir, as with all atgeirs has the secondary slashing attack that can be performed by clicking in the mouse wheel button. Players can make this atgeir after they have beaten the first forsaken, Eikthyr. You can find a guide to Eikthyr, here.
Bronze Atgeir Stats
The bronze atgeir is the weakest of the three atgeirs available in Valheim. The atgeir does physical piercing damage to enemies, making it strong against enemies like trolls. In terms of damage the atgeir has a base damage value of 45 which will be higher or lower depending on the character’s polearms skill level. It’s durability starts at 125. The player is able to block and parry with the atgeir although the block value is fairly low at 10.

The player will also receive a movement speed penalty of 10% while wielding the weapon. The player can sheath the weapon by pressing r to move around again at full speed. The best thing about the atgeir is it’s range and knockback, effectively keeping enemies away from the player.
How to Craft the Bronze Atgeir
To craft the bronze atgeir the player will obviously have to have access to bronze. To get a pickaxe in order to mine copper and tin, the player will first have to defeat Eikthyr, and craft a pickaxe from the hard antler that drops from this deer-like beast. Then, head to the Black Forest and find copper, tin and surtling cores. You will need the cores to craft a smelter to melt down the metals.
Once the metals are melted down they can be fused together at the forge to create bronze. I will include some helpful links to achieving the above steps below for players new to the game.
- How to Create a Forge and Smelter in Valheim
- How to Get Surtling Cores in Valheim
- How to Get Copper | How to Get Tin in Valheim
Once you have all of these things and a forge set up you should be able to craft yourself a bronze atgeir. To craft this item you will need the following materials:
- 10 Wood
- 8 Bronze (16 Copper and 8 Tin)
- 2 Leather Scraps

Once you have all of these items, head to the forge and find bronze atgeir in the crafting menu on the left. Select it and then press the Craft button found at the bottom of the menu. You can also upgrade the atgeir from here by pressing the upgrade tab up the top and selecting your bronze atgeir.
Iron Atgeir

The iron atgeir is the second atgeir that is available to craft in Valheim. Iron and the ability to craft this atgeir, will become avaliable to the player once they have defeated the second forsaken creature, The Elder. You can find a guide to The Elder here.
The iron atgeir doesn’t differ too much from the bronze atgeir in terms of looks. The same wood is used in both weapons and the look is the same on both. The blade is shaped in the exact same way and the only visible difference in the two is the color of the blade. The iron blade is a shimmering silver color. Both the bronze and the iron atgeir are the same size and have the same attack set and animations.
The in-game description, visible from the weapon’s tooltip reads; ‘Blood-drinker, skull-cracker, death-bringer.’
Iron Atgeir Stats
The iron atgeir is significantly better than the bronze atgeir in terms of overall damage. There is no reason not to upgrade from the bronze atgeir. At level 1 the every stat for the iron atgeir is superior to the bronze version. The iron atgeir has a base damage value 65 damage which will be higher or lower depending on your polearms level. The block and parry values are the same as the bronze atgeir.

The iron atgeir shares the same weight value of 2.5 with the bronze version and the same movement speed penalty of 10% when equipped. This is a formidable pierce damage weapon which will hopefully keep the draugr out of arms reach when venturing into the swamps.
How to Craft the Iron Atgeir
Once the player has defeated the second forsaken they will have access to iron and thus be able to craft the iron atgeir. The iron atgeir is crafted at the forge’s crafting menu. You will need a level 2 forge in order to craft the iron atgeir.
The materials needed to craft the iron atgeir at the forge include:
- 10 Wood
- 30 Iron
- 2 Leather Scraps

The player will have to venture into the swamps in order to find iron scraps to process. Apart from the metal, the other items that are need for the iron atgeir are identical to the items needed for the bronze atgeir. This may explain the similar looks between the two.
Blackmetal Atgeir

The third and final atgeir available to craft in Valheim is called the Blackmetal atgeir. This si currently the best atgeir in the game, although this is likely to change with new updates as the game is in early access. The Blackmetal atgeir has a reddish wood handle and a leather grip neat the top of the weapon. The blade is double-sided blackmetal with a front side which resembles a capital B.
The weapon has a dark green tinge when shown in the sunlight. It is the first atgeir that has a unique handle to the others. This will be avaliable to the player once they have defeated the fourth forsaken, Moder. The in-game description for the blackmetal atgeir reads; ‘A vicious hewing-axe of almost unbreakable black metal’.
Blackmetal Atgeir Stats
The blackmetal atgeir has the highest stats for any atgeir or piercing weapon currently in the game. As there is one metal to be discovered in between the iron atgeir and the blackmetal atgeir players will discover a significant damage boost when upgrading from iron to blackmetal. There is no silver level polearm currently in the game.
The blackmetal atgeir does a base pierce damage of 105 at level one. As with the others, this value will depend on your characters polearm level. The durability is the same as the iron atgeir and starts at 175. The block, parry, knockback and Backstab values are the same as the 2 atgeir before it.

The blackmetal atgeir has the same movement speed penalty as the other atgeir at 10%.
How to Craft the Blackmetal Atgeir
Crafting the blackmetal atgeir is no small feat. You will be crafting this basically at end-game level. The blackmetal atgeir requires some of the rarest and hard to get materials in the game. You will have to have defeated the 4th forsaken in the mountains in order to get the crafting station to process the blackmetal.
The materials required to craft the blackmetal atgeir are:
- 10 Fine Wood
- 30 Black metal
- 5 Linen thread
- Level 4 Forge

Not only will you need some incredibly hard materials to find, you will have to have upgraded your forge to level 4 in order to craft this weapon. Some of the materials, being late-game materials are hard to find so I will write a short write-up below on the materials and how to get them.
- Black metal: Found in the plains by defeating Fuling creatures or by looking in the chests of fuling villiages and plains structures
- Linen Thread: Craft a spinning wheel after defeating the 4th forsaken, Moder. Once you have the wheel, find flax at fuling villiages. You can put the flax into the spinning wheel to process it and obtain linen thread
- Fine Wood: Cut down birch or oak trees with an axe of bronze level or higher.
We’ve come to the end of the guide on all things atgeirs in Valheim. Do you use atgeirs? What is your preferred weapon and why in Valheim? personally I love the look of the atgeir but I am spending most of my days with my trusty blunt weapon at my side.
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