Of all the classic zombie movie tropes that exist one of the staples is a molotov. Also known as a molotov cocktail the general idea is that you either have gasoline or some kind of hard flammable alcohol in a bottle and stick a piece of cloth in the top. You’d then light the cloth up and throw the bottle to create an explosion of flame. There is an item that you can craft in Project Zomboid called the molotov which functions in the same way. What isn’t clear however, is how you use the molotov.
How to Throw a Molotov In Project Zomboid
To throw a molotov in Project Zomboid, you will have to have the Molotov item equipped in the primary hand. Once you have the molotov equipped as the primary weapon, equip a lighter or matches in the secondary. You can now hold the right mouse button and then move the mouse to aim your throw. Pressing the left mouse button will make your character throw the molotov wherever you were aiming at.

The throw of the molotov isn’t always very accurate. It will generally land pretty close to where you decide to throw it though. Be aware that fire does spread in the game and can destroy houses and resources.
How to Craft a Molotov
In Project Zomboid there are a huge range of items that you can craft and that can be utilized in different ways through the crafting menu. You can craft your very own molotov cocktails in Project Zomboid in two different ways. You can use gasoline, an empty bottle and a ripped sheet to craft a molotov or a bottle of bourbon and a ripped sheet.
Crafting a Bourbon Molotov Cocktail

You can create a molotov cocktail using a bottle of bourbon and either a dirty rag or ripped sheets. This is one of the easiest ways to get a molotov cocktail in Project Zomboid as you only have to collect two different items. Although finding the bourbon may be a bit of a pain to begin with there are some placer you can look.
To find bourbon in Project Zomboid check the numerous bars and restaurants that are dotted across the map. The most notable of which is called Twiggy’s and is located at the south east corner of West point. This bar is very likely to have some kind of bourbon in it. Other than that, try the local restaurants in town.
Ripped sheets are probably the easiest item in the game to obtain. you can get ripped sheets from you characters start clothing by selecting the clothing in your inventory and right-clicking. You can then choose the option to rip the clothing up and receive sheets. The second way to craft molotov cocktails involves gasoline.
Crafting a Molotov Cocktail With Gasoline

Another way that you can craft your very own molotov cocktail in Project Zomboid is by combining the items seen in the image above. You can craft a molotov using 1 unit of gasoline from a gasoline container, an empty glass bottle and a dirty rag or ripped sheet. This one may seem more difficult to make than the bourbon cocktail but gasoline is a little bit easier to find.
To find gasoline, head to any gas station. There should be one in every single town across the map. They are very noticible due to the large sign out the front of the gas station which has a dinosaur on it. Once you are there, head inside and check the shelves for a gas can. There should be at least on in every gas station unless you are super unlucky. If that’s the case, check the trunk of vehicles. If you’ve found a gas can and it is empty, as long as the power is still on you can fill it up at a gasoline pump.
Empty bottles are just as easy to find. You should find a bottle full of something in just about every residential building in every city. Once you have the bottle, you can pour the contents out on the ground in order to get an empty bottle. That or you could drink the contents.
As mentioned previously, you can rip up clothing to get ripped sheets.
Fire Spreads!
A little cautionary note on throwing molotovs in Project Zomboid before this page is gone. Be advised that many objects in this world are flammable. By default, fire spread is turned on in every difficulty setting or Project Zomboid. This means that anything flammable near a fire can also go up in flames. Beware of throwing molotov cocktails near houses you want to loot, forests you want to cut down for wood, or friendly players that you don’t want to accidentally roast in a blaze of flames. Consider yourself warned.
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