In a game like Rust, you’re going to be spending most of your time fighting. Whether that be hunting for resources to build up your base, defending your base or engaging in some PvP antics of your own. The game is pretty full on and you’re going to have to spend a lot of time in the game if you want to keep upgrading. But what if you just want to relax a little and mess around with your friends? There are a bunch of gestures and emotes that are available to you in Rust as well, because it isn’t all about fighting!
Some of these emotes include the ability to dance. This guide will show you how to unlock the dance emotes in Rust and how to use them as well.
How to Get The Dance Emotes
The most important thing to say right off the bat is that the dance emotes are part of a paid DLC for the game. If you want to dance using the emotes in Rust you are going to have shell out for the ability to do so. The dance emotes are part of the DLC Voice Props Pack (Which is $12.99USD at the time of writing.) There is no way to unlock the ability to dance in the game without buying the DLC, so if you are hell bent on dancing with your friends, this is the only way.
The good news is, that isn’t all that you will get with the Voice Props Pack DLC. There are some other goodies that come with it as well. Including a cassette recorder with the ability to record your own message and give it to others, a dance floor and lights as seen above and some other audio goodies.
How to Dance and Use Emotes in Rust
Now that you have the DLC you’re able to turn up the heat and boogie down in-game. To open up the emote wheel in-game you get press and hold the B key down. This will open up an options wheel where you can decide which emote to use. Select one of the emotes that you want to use and your character will perform it. It is as simple as that!

You can use the emotes in game to try to get your point across. This doesn’t mean that people will actually oblige though. Even if you use the surrender emote or wave at people and be friendly, rust is still rust. Always keep your guard up!
The 3 Rust Dances In-Game
YouTube user SHADOWFRAX uploaded a video showcasing the content which the Voice Props Pack DLC includes in Rust. The video goes on to show each of the items that you can use in the game and also a demonstration of all of the dances that the player can use once they purchase the pack. You can view the video underneath and if you are interested in seeing more Rust content, check out SHADOWFRAX’s YouTube channel.