Now that multiplayer has finally dropped for Project Zomboid you can start to get into the survival action with friends as well. You can start your own non-dedicated servers through the game client or both join a public server through the game’s in-game server list.
But once you’re both in the game, how are you supposed to find your friends in Project Zomboid? This guide will show you how to find your friends, how to teleport to each other if you have admin level access and how to set a spawn point so you can both spawn in the same location each time.
Find Friends Using the Map
Teleport to Friends in Multiplayer
Respawning Together With Friends Upon Death
Creating In-Game Factions and Inviting Other Players
How to Find Friends Using the Map in Project Zomboid
One of the other great features that Build 41 introduced into the game was the new in-game map system. By pressing M you can open up the map and see where your character is on the map. Both players automatically have access to the map.
By using both maps you can try to move towards each other until you meet up. Simply move in the same direction and you will get to each other.
You will only be able to see parts of the map that your character has actually traveled to. That being said, you can still see when you are moving towards the other player.

If you area really new to the game you can always try to use this map resource to find your way around the world! Then try to meet up in one location.
How to Teleport to Your Friends in Multiplayer
If you don’t want to have to run around the map trying to survive you can also just teleport straight to your friend in multiplayer. You can only do this if you have admin powers. If you are the host of the game and don’t have admin powers yet, you can follow this guide to get admin powers for your character first.
Now that you have admin powers for your character you can easily teleport them straight to you. Alternatively, you can just as easily teleport yourself to your friend’s position as well. To do this, press the ESC key to open up the menu. Now, select the PLAYERS menu. Now you can see every player connected to the server. On the right side of the screen there are some options. See the image below.

Above you can see that there are two players connected. (Yes, the second is also me but with a controller. Tragic I know, but it works for the demonstration.) There are two options we are interested in at the moment; Teleport and Teleport to You.
Teleport will send you to the player that you have highlighted in the Players screen.
Teleport To You will send the selected character to your location. There you can move on and play the game however you wish.
Respawning With Friends in Project Zomboid
Another option that you have to find friends is to simply respawn together. By owning a Safehouse together you and your friends can spawn in the same house whenever a character is lost. This means you will always have a way of finding each other. The bad part is that you will have to lose your character…
The following information will only apply if the server you are on allows player safehouses and respawning. You can view the settings of the current server you are on by opening the User Panel and selecting See Server Options. Then you can see if safehouses and respawning are enabled.
First, you can take your own safehouse. (You can read a detailed guide on safehouses here, but for now we will go over it quickly.)
Find a suitable house and right-click on the ground floor of the house. Select the option Claim Safehouse and it will be yours. Now, Right-click again and select View Safehouse. This will allow you to configure the options of the safehouse. You can add other players to the safehouse by selecting Add Players. Find your friend in the list and add them to your house.

They can how open up the safehouse through their User Panel and select the option at the bottom which reads Respawn in Safehouse. (See image above) Upon death, their new character will respawn in this location.
Note that the player will have to accept the invitation to join the safehouse before they can use it in any way.
Create and Invite Friends to an In-game Faction
Another great feature you can take advantage of in Project Zomboid is the ability to create an in-game faction. Once you have created a faction, you can add other players to it. That way you should be able to see each other on the map. To create a faction and invite players follow these steps:
- Open up the User Panel while player on a multiplayer server. (The icon which reads CLIENT)
- Open up the Faction screen by selecting the button named Faction
- Select the option (Add Player) and find your friend’s name on the players list.

Now that you and your friends are in a faction you should be able to locate each other easier. You can set a Faction Tag. This will appear above the faction members head when they are moving around in the game. You can toggle on and off the ability to PvP each other in Melee situations from the Faction screen as well. Best to leave it turned off it you are constantly fighting hordes in close quarters.