Gambling has been a staple in the Pokemon series since the very first game. While Pokemon: Infinite Fusion may mix up the Pokemon formula rather dramatically, the Coin Case still remains in the game. This guide will show you where to find the coin case so you can use the slot machines in Pokemon: Infinite Fusion.
Where to Find the Coin Case
The Coin Case is given to you by an NPC in Celadon city in Kanto. This NPC can be found inside a restaurant building in the bottom right corner of the city. The building you need to enter is right beside a hotel. After talking to this NPC you will be given a coin case without having to do any kind of quest and you can immediately buy some coins at the game corner.

You can see a detailed version of how to find this NPC below.
Caledon Coin Case Building
As you leave Celadon City’s Pokemon Center, head down and follow the path until you come to a large building with a bunch of windows. This is the Game Corner/Casino where you can use your coin case. If you continue following the path down from here you will see a building with a sign reading Hotel on the right hand side.
Next to this, is an unmarked building. Head inside this building. It’s important to note, you will need to enter this building in the day time. Entering at night will lead you to a different building completely where you can purchase randomized Pokemon from Team Rocket.

During the day this is a small restaurant with 4 NPC’s inside. Speak with the man with the brown outfit and hat and he will give you a coin case.