Temtem, the monster catching MMO from Crema games has a host of different features that define it from other monster-catching games. One of the features which seems to be promininent (and popular) throughout this genre though, is breeding. In Temtem, it is also possible to breed two Temtem together to make a baby Temtem.
Once they have bred, you will have yourself an egg. This guide will tell you how to hatch this egg and get yourself a baby Temtem.
How to Hatch An Egg in Temtem
The process for hatching an egg is fairly simple in Temtem. First, make sure you have the egg as a member of your Temtem team. It is important to carry the egg with you in your squad, as otherwise it will not hatch.

Now that the egg is in your team all you have to do is move around and play the game as usual. Hatching an egg is based on time, unlike Pokemon where you have to walk a vertain amount of steps with the egg. Here, you will just have to wait anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes real time for your egg to hatch.
How Long Does it Take for a Temtem Egg to Hatch?
Sure you know you have to wait but if you are planning on breeding to get certain stats you probably want to know exactly how long it will take. Well, the time that an egg will take to hatch will depend solely on which Temtem is inside the egg.
The higher the catch rate for the Temtem inside the egg, the longer it will take to hatch. (You can check out a full list of catch rates here). As a general rule, the more rare the Temtem is the higher the catch rate will be and thus, the longer it will take to hatch.
Can You Hatch Eggs While Offline?
So you have a bunch of Temtem eggs that you want to hatch? Don’t worry about filling up your party full of eggs and then getting into trouble! Hatching time is also calculated while you are offline as well. That’s right, you don’t even have to play the game in order to hatch your eggs!
The one thing you will have to make sure of though, is to add the eggs that you would like to hatch into your party before you plan to go offline/afk, otherwise they will not progress at all.
How to Hatch Temtem Eggs Faster/Instantly
You may be wondering if there is a way you can hatch the eggs you collect in Temtem even faster? Luckily for you there is an item in the game which will allow you to instantly hatch your Temtem eggs. This item is called the Incubator Ticket.
The Incubator Ticket can be used inside the Breeding Centre in Superior Omninesia. Once you use the ticket on one of the incubators, your Temtem egg will be hatched instantly.

There is also a way to speed up the rate at which your eggs hatch forever. There is one item called the Incubator Device. This item will double the speed at which your Temtem eggs will hatch. This will only work for the first Temtem egg in your squad however. That being said it is still a great device as you can use it as many times as you’d like.
The Incubator Device is a reward from completing the quest For Science!
So that was how you can hatch an egg in Temtem. Look forward to more Temtem guides coming in the near future such as where you can find an Innki to continue your quest.