Along with being fed and kept entertained, there are a few other things you’ll have to provide for your settlers in Going Medieval. One of these things is clothing. Clothing will help keep your colonists warm in the colder month and also block some damage in combat. Along with a need to wear clothes, settlers will also need to have good quality clothes. The longer they wear clothes, the more they will wear down. If they are wearing poor quality clothes they will have the Ugly Apparel debuff and their mood will take a hit.
This guide will show you how to craft new clothing for your settlers.
Why Make Clothes?
Every settler needs a set of clothes in Going Medieval. They will need these as aforementioned to keep warm and happy. Along with actually having clothes they will need to be of good quality. Every item that can be equipped has a quality rating. When the item is created this rating is determined. A good tailor will be able to make really good quality clothes from raw ingredients. As you can see in the image below, this settler is unhappy because their clothes are Flimsy quality.

As managing your settlers mood and needs is highly important to keeping them a productive member of the colony, having a good set of clothes may be the difference between a settler ignoring their tasks or playing along. Clothes alone probably won’t cause a settler to leave the colony, but a negative mood modifier on top of some other bad events isn’t worth the risk!
Creating New, Good Quality Clothes
This will be a step-by-step process on creating new clothes for your settlers. When you start the game, you will not be able to make clothes. To begin with you will have to complete some research in order to craft clothing items.
The research you will have to complete is called Tailoring. This will unlock the Sewing Station and 3 items of clothing. Once you have researched the sewing table you will have to build it somewhere withing your colony. You should always try to build this inside as their will be a work speed penalty applied to the production on the table if it is outside.

Building the Sewing Station
Building a sewing station is relatively straightforward. First, go to the Production building tab. This is the icon second from the left on the bottom left of the screen. You can also press F2 to open up this building menu. Now, find the sewing station in this list. There is only one variant of the sewing station. You will need 80 wood to build a sewing station in Going Medieval. Place the blueprint down somewhere and one of your builders will create it.

You can rotate the blueprint with the R and keys. You should try to place the table as close to the materials as possible. If you already have a stockpile warehouse somewhere, you should try to build the table near this. Alternatively you could build the table and place a stockpile nearby. This will mean your tailors won’t have to walk far to get to resources and they will spend more time actually making clothes!
How to Make Clothes in Going Medieval
Okay, now that we have a sewing table we are ready to get started actually crafting some clothing! To start crafting an item of clothing, select the sewing station. Here, you can see the production menu of the station. Now, you should see a few different items at the top of the menu. Select one of the item from the menu to add it to the production queue. Once one of these items is in the production queue, you can change things like the quantity being created and the type of materials that is being used to create it.

Now that we have a job in the queue, you can press the Edit button to change the materials being used to create it. Clothes made with different materials will have different stats. Wool is warmer than linen for example, but leather offers more protection from attacks. You can allow or disallow different materials here.
You can also decide how many of each item you would like to craft. The Amount drop-down menu will allow you to choose between three settings; a fixed amount, a certain amount for your storage and a self-explanatory forever setting. If you just want enough for your 10 settlers, select Amount as the option and change the amount to 10. Once you have jobs in the queue, your tailor will create the clothing when it becomes a priory.
How to Create Good Quality Clothing
Items in Going Medieval have different qualities. These qualities apply to equitable items like clothing, armor and weapons. As a general rule of thumb you should always have your best craftsman create these types of items. The quality levels from best to worst, go in the following order:
- Flimsy<Sturdy<Good<Fine<Superior<Flawless.
If you want to create great items you will have to have a great craftsman. Similarly if you have someone who is a poor quality tailor you will just be wasting materials by creating flimsy clothes. Open up the Jobs menu and set your best tailor to the job and take everyone else off it.
Fix Ugly Apparel – A Note on Quality and Mood
One of the things that may have brought you here is seeing your settler has a bad mood in Going Medieval. If this is due to the Ugly Apparel message then there are some things to note. The Ugly Apparel debuff only takes into account the quality level of the item. Items will also have a hit-points value. This is the value that deteriorates over time. When this gets to 0, the item will be destroyed.
The quality level of the item will never change. A Fine item will always be fine. If an item deteriorates to 10 hit-points out of 150 it will still be completely fine. Unlike in Rimworld, these items will not have any kind of penalty applied to the wearer. There is also no way to fix an item of clothing in Going Medieval. You will have to simply create a new one.