Green thumbs of Valheim sit in despair no longer. Have your flattened a large area of space to build your base on and removed all the grass from the area? Are you sick of looking at either dirt path or stone path throughout your entire base. Fear not! For I am going to show your how you can grow grass back on the ground in Valheim. As grass doesn’t not respawn by default there is something you can do in order to get grass in your base once again after terraforming.
How To Grow Grass Back in Valheim
To place grass back into an area that had been flattened in Valheim, you are going to need a Cultivator. With a cultivator equipped, right-click to open up the action menu for the tool. The second action you can do with the cultivator is simply called ‘Grass’. Select this option to allow your cultivator to grow grass back on the ground. Now, Left-click on the ground to place grass back in that area. See the image below for an example.

As you can see, the cultivator creates a small radius where the player can regrow grass at a location. This is especially helpful if you’ve flattened out a large area of ground for your base, but want to grow some grass back in between. The grass that is grown using the cultivator depends on which of the biomes the player is currently in.
Why Grow Grass in Valheim?
There isn’t really any reason that the player would want to grow grass other than aesthetic reasons. As grass doesn’t actually provide any utility in the game, growing some grass back using a cultivator will only regrow and respawn the grass that was already there. There is no material associated with growing grass and there is no way that you can grow dandelions or anything else with the cultivator.
The only real reason reason that someone would want to grow grass back in Valheim is because they like the look of it and want to make the base look more homey. Using the cultivator is currently the only way that one can grow grass in the game.
Placing Lily Pads in Valheim
From this reddit post we can see a player using the cultivator’s ‘Grass’ function in order to grow lily pads near the water’s edge. Unfortunately I haven’t managed to get this to work in my version of Valheim. I am not sure if this functionality has been patched out of the game or only works on certain servers. i tried in all of the biomes on the map to perform this the same way but unfortunately could not complete it.

Another user mentions in the reddit thread that perhaps vegetation settings are to blame with lily pads not showing up in the game but after changing all of my settings to as high as they could be, I still could not grow lily pads. Perhaps I just don’t have the magic in me. Never-the-less if you have managed to perform this trick and got it to work leave a comment below and tell me I’m not crazy.