So you’ve found yourself in deep (wound) trouble in the middle of the apocalypse? In Project Zomboid you will not only have to deal with your character’s hunger, sickness and of course zombies. There is a deep health system to the game with many layers and items necessary for certain mechanics. One of the things that can happen to you in your journeys around Knox County is a deep wound. If your character has gotten a large deep wound on their body, you’re going to have to stitch it up.
There are a few things to know before you just go about sticking a needle in yourself and sewing. You will need to obviously find certain items, (such as a needle) to start this process. This guide will show you everything you need to know to sewing up those deep cuts and getting you back on your feet!
What Wounds to Stitch and Which Items to Bring
First of all, you won’t need to stitch up every little cut that your character receives. Most small scratches will simply heal on their own without any need to fix them. Simply create some bandages and apply them until the injury gets better. However, some larger injuries will need to be sewn shut. Very deep cuts and gunshot wounds will require the player to stitch their wounds, or find a friendly face to stitch them up, in order to heal.

The only types of wounds that players have to stitch up are deep wounds. These can take place from a zombie attack or if your character decides to break through a window with their bare hands. There are many different ways to get different types of injuries but generally glass is the most common way to get a deep wound.
Equipment For Stitching Wounds
There are two different types of equipment to use for stitching wounds in Project Zomboid but one is better than the other. The best thing you can do is find yourself a Suture Needle. These are medical needles that are actually used for giving stitches to people. You can find these commonly in medical centers in towns and also sometimes as loot in ambulances.
Another secondary tool to use for the job is a simple needle and thread. The same needle and thread that you would use for tailoring. However if you have a suture needle, it is always better to use it instead. The needle and thread can be found sometimes randomly in residential buildings. Another good secondary equipment to have is a bottle of disinfectant as that will speed up the recovery of the wound and prevent infection.
How to Stitch Up a Deep Wound in Project Zomboid
Now that you have all the required equipment to stitch up your wound it’s time to get to work. The best thing you can do is work quickly here. Deep wounds will bleed a lot more than average wounds on the player. If possible, as soon as you get the deep wound at least wrap it up in a bandage or ripped sheet. This will stop you bleeding out as fast.

Now that you have your needle, open up the health menu. To do this, click on the heart symbol on the top left of the screen. You can see all of your character’s body parts and their statuses. Find the deep wound and right-click on it. If you already have the item required to stitch it up you will see the option to ‘Stitch’ the injury. Select this and let your character start getting to work fixing themselves.
After this you will see that the injury is stitched and highlighted in green. The bleeding will now have stopped and you can get on the road to recovery! As with most injuries in Project Zomboid, you should try to give your character a lot to eat and let them get a lot of rest if you want the injury to get better quicker. By keeping them constantly well and out of trouble, you’ll have a healthy survivor again in no time!
A Video on Stitching Up a Wound in Project Zomboid
If you aren’t one for reading you can see exactly how to stitch up a wound in Project Zomboid by checking out the following video: