How to Upgrade Wood Frames in 7 Days to Die

This guide will help the player build the house of their dreams! Crashing a wood frame block is easy enough in 7 Days to Die but what the game doesn’t teach you is how to upgrade your wood frames to make the walls or floors more stable. I will go through how to build wood frames, upgrade them to different levels and include controls for the PS4 version of the game and for PC.

Upgrading Wood Frames

To upgrade wooden frames in 7 Days to Die, equip a tool which you can upgrade with. The easiest one to acquire is the stone axe. With the stone axe equipped, look at the wood frame and hold the right-mouse button (Hold L2 on PS4) to upgrade the wooden frame. You will need different types on ingredients for each stage of the block’s upgrade. For the first two levels you will only need wood. Check out more information on upgrade levels below.

When you are holding the right-mouse button you will see a progress bar on the block. This will tell you how long you have left to upgrade the block. If you do not have the resources required for the upgrade you will see an indicator in the bottom right of the screen showing which item you need for the next upgrade.

Wooden Frame Upgrade Levels and Materials

The frame does not just stop at one upgrade level however. You can continue upgrading your wood frame many different times to increase the amount of hit points they have. Upgrading the frames will make them able to hold more weight and also make it harder for zombies and other players to break them down.

Upgrade 1:

The first upgrade for the wood frame places more wood support over the item. To do the first upgrade for the frame you will need to have 4 units of wood in your inventory before starting to upgrade.

This frame has 225 hit points.

The 1st wooden block upgrade

Upgrade 2:

The second upgrade level adds an extra layer of wood on top of the block. This changes the look dramatically. This upgrade requires an extra 4 units of wood.

This frame also has 255 hit points making it no stronger than the first upgrade.

the 2nd wooden block upgrade in game

Upgrade 3:

The third upgrade for the wood frame block turns the wooden block into a stone one.

You will need 10 Cobblestone Rocks in order to upgrade the block to the third level.

The third upgrade for the wood frame block increases the hit points dramatically. This block has 1500 hit points.

the third wooden block upgrade in 7 days to die cobblestone

Upgrade 4:

This next upgrade turns the block from a cobblestone block into a concrete block.

You will need 10 Concrete Mix in order to do this upgrade to your block.

This has less health than the cobblestone upgrade with 1250 hit points. This is the final upgrade for the wooden frame block.

A cement block. The final wooden frame upgrade

As you can see from the images above, you can upgrade the wooden frame block a total of 4 times in 7 Days to Die. Each level either changes the look or durability of the frame block. Each level will require a different material apart from the first two upgrade levels which will only require wood.

What Tools Can You Use to Upgrade Blocks in 7 Days to Die?

There are a few different tools that can be used to upgrade blocks like the wood frame block in 7 Days to Die. From easiest to hardest to obtain these include the Stone Axe, the Claw Hammer and the Nailgun.

These are also ranked from worst to best as well. Although the Stone Axe is technically the worst tool to use to upgrade your wood blocks, it is extremely easy to obtain in the beginning as you can craft one without any prior knowledge or workbenches. In fact, you probably won’t even need to use anything other than the stone axe as it does the job fairly quickly. If you are planning to create a huge base or fix up one of the existing homes in 7 Days to Die then I would suggest finding a Nailgun or at least a Claw Hammer as you can upgrade blocks even faster with this.

using the nailgun to upgrade wood frames in 7 Days to Die
The Nailgun is the best tool for upgrading wood frame blocks and other building pieces

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