The Cooling Box is one of the many things that can be crafted in survival adventure Necesse. This box will help keep your food cool. In Necesse, all food items will eventually spoil and become waste. The great thing about having a cooling box is that you can keep food items usable for longer. This essentially acts as a refrigerator.
This guide will show you how to craft a Cooling Box, how to fuel it so it actually works and show how well they can actually extend the life of food items in the game.
How to Craft a Cooling Box
How to Put Fuel in a Cooling Box
Is the Cooling Box Worth it?
How to Craft a Cooling Box in Necesse
A Cooling Box is crafted at the Workstation. This is the first, regular Workstation that you will be able to craft. To craft a Cooling Box you will need the following items:
- 10 of any wood log
- 10 of any type of stone
- 5 Frost Shards

Once you have these items, simply craft the cooling box and add it to your inventory. The Cooling Box can then be placed somewhere in your settlement like a piece of furniture.
How to Fuel a Cooling Box
In order for the Cooling Box to actually function it will need fuel, much like a forge. Unfortunately wood is not going to cut it here and you will need another resource. To power the Cooling Box and keep your items fresh you will need to use an item called Iceblossom.

Iceblossom are flowers that can be found growing in the snowy islands of Necesse. When you do see some and cut them down for your cooling box, be sure to grab a few seeds as well so you can grow your own Iceblossom at your settlement. That way you can keep your cooling boxes powered forever.
Is the Cooling Box Worth it?
In general I would say the cooling box is a pretty good addition to the base. Since it costs barely anything to craft and sustain, there isn’t really a reason not to make one. That being said, it isn’t something that I would go out of my way to craft. Food is fairly easy to get and automate in Necesse.
The cooling box will allow your food items to spoil 4x slower. This is quite good for storing some of the more high end food for your settlement, but still. I personally only have one cooling box for my large settlement.