One of the mechanics that fan-made game Pokemon Infinite Fusion brings from the mainline series is the ability to hatch eggs from Pokemon. Once you’ve successfully bred two pokemon there’s a chance that your Pokemon will lay an egg.

Hatching this egg is a fairly simple process as it is with the mainline Pokemon games. This guide will help to show you how you can; hatch eggs in the first place and also how to speed up the process of hatching eggs using Pokemon and Items.
- How to Hatch Eggs
- Speeding Up Egg Hatching With Pokemon Abilities
- Speed Up Pokemon Egg Hatching With an Item
How to Hatch Pokemon Eggs in Pokemon: Infinite Fusion
The process of hatching eggs in Pokemon Infinite Fusion is the same as the regular Pokemon games. To hatch Pokemon eggs, simply walk around with the Pokemon Egg in your party. Each step you take will be progress towards hatching that little Pokemon.
The amount of steps you have to take will depend on what species of Pokemon you are trying to hatch. For legendary and rare Pokemon, the amount of steps you have to take will be higher than regular common Pokemon species.
How to Speed Up Egg Hatching With Pokemon
There are two ways that you can speed up the process of hatching Eggs in Pokemon: Infinite Fusion. The first we will go over is using certain Pokemon abilities to speed up the hatch times of eggs. There are two Pokemon abilities that will cut the time it takes for an egg to hatch in half these two abilities are: Flame Body and Magma Armor.
To make use of these abilities, you must have a pokemon with one of these abilities in your party. This will cut the time it takes for your egg to hatch in half. Essentially this halved the amount of steps you need to take in order to hatch your Pokemon eggs.

You can only have the effects of one of these abilities at once though. Having 1 Pokemon with Flame Body and 1 Pokemon with Magma Armor will not make the egg hatch any faster than just having one of them alone. You can see a list of Pokemon with the Flame Body ability here.
Here, you can find a list of Pokemon with Magma Armor. The earliest Pokemon you will probably be able to find in Pokemon Infinite Fusion with either of these skills is Ponyta in Route 17. (Flame Body)
Speed Up Egg Hatching Using an Item
There is another way to make hatching Pokemon Eggs even faster! This is by using an item called an Incubator. These are items that can be used on eggs that will reduce the number of steps you need to hatch the egg by 2000 steps.
You can use multiple incubators on one egg but each time you use them on the same egg their effect will be half. (e.g. the second incubator will reduce the steps needed by 1000, the next 500, etc…)
You can purchase incubators from the daycare man in Johto on route 34.