We take a look at what happens when you go too far off the edge of the map in Valheim. We tested all different kinds of boats and settings to see if anything changes when you go off the side of the map. What happens when you go to the end of the map? See below.
The Edge of the Map in Valheim

The edge of the map or world is the point in which there is nothing else. If you sail to the edge of the map once you start to get close to the edge the current will take the player over the edge. The longship is not strong enough to sail back towards the center of the map once you pass a certain point.

What Happens to Your Loot When you Fall off the Map?
When you go off the edge of the map you will fall a little bit and then instantly die. Regardless of how much health you have once you reach a certain point you will die and your gravestone will fall off the map as well making it unreachable without using console commands. So how do you get your things back once you’ve died at the edge of the map?
If you have sailed a ship over the end of the map the ship will fall to the bottom of the level. This will make the ship unreachable without cheats.
Recovering Your Gear Once it Falls off the Map
If you use the console command ‘imacheater’ you will open up a brand new bunch of commands that you are able to use. Once you have activated cheats input the command ‘debugmode’ and press enter. This will place your character into debug mod. Input the code ‘god’ so your character will not take any damage.
Now whilst in debug mode and not being able to take any damage you can press the Z key to enable your character to fly. Fly to the area where your previous character died and go off the edge off the map and fly down using the CTRL key. You should be able to fly all the way down to the ground and see your gravestone. Interact with this to get all of your things back! (You will be constantly pulled away from the world map)

Strange Biomes off the End of the World

By using console commands players can make themselves invincible to damage. Once you can’t take any damage if you go off the edge of the map you will eventually fall to a ground level. The player will be constantly ‘pulled’ away from the map once down the bottom here, even if flying in debug mode.
If you go to the bottom of the world from the south side of the map it will be labelled as ‘Ashlands’. When leaving the map from the north there will be a few hundred meters or ocean biome even though there is no water present. There are still fish floating across the ground and can be interacted with. After a few hundred meters of ocean biome the player will once again be sent to an endless desert marked as Ashlands.
There is nothing of interest down at the bottom of the map. Although Surtling will still randomly spawn down here. The player will be constantly pulled away from the map but can reach the main map again by either flying or using console commands to teleport.
Related: How to Farm in Valheim | How to Get Surtling Cores in Valheim