Mod Spotlight is a series where I dive into mods from different video games and talk about some of the great features they bring to the game. Rimworld is one of my most played Steam games of all time so it is only natural that you’ll see a lot of Rimworld mods being talked about here. (I apologize in advance.) Today we are talking about a colonist customization and setup mod EdB Prepare Carefully.
Quick Details:
Game: Rimworld
Mod Author: edbmods
Steam Workshop? Yes
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EdB Prepare Carefully mod is an absolute must-have for your next Rimworld playthrough. The mod is used to create a custom start for your Rimworld playthrough. It allows greater freedom when starting a new game. You can decide on you colonists’ names, appearances, starting items and also attributes. Great for having a starting group of people you dreamed of, or for when your team is desperately missing a doctor and you do not feel like clicking the randomize button over and over again. It is great for roleplay scenarios as it allows you to custom build your team exactly how you want them. Perhaps you want a one-armed street urchin, fighting from the bottom to survive in your next playthrough. Perhaps an army of super-soldiers right off the bat to make the game a little bit easier to start. The choice is yours.

Is it Vanilla friendly?
While a case could be made that using EdB Prepare Carefully is technically cheating, as you can assign whatever values you want to your colonist there is a part of the mod that will satisfy those purists out there. You can select a limited amount of points to give your starting team to ‘balance’ the playthrough. That will set a limit on the amount of great stat points and passions you can assign to your colonists. Personally, I feel in a game like Rimworld where the story and roleplay is what really brings the game alive, you don’t need a limit. Some playthroughs I want to start with a John Wick style bandito with maxed out shooting skills. Sue me.
Does EdB Prepare Carefully have compatibility issues?
I, personally haven’t run into any issues when running EdB Prepare Carefully alongside any other mods. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any issues at all. We all know Rimworld mods. That being said if you do have an issue with mod conflicts post a comment on the mod’s Steam workshop page. The developer is actively working on the mod and squishing bugs as he goes.
The mod even works well with other mods. For example, I have installed Rimworld mods which add some Star Wars races to the game. Wookies, Droids and Ewoks for example. (Yes, I’m a nerd). EdB Prepare Carefully even has these races and appearance options all ready to edit in the menu.
EdB Prepare Carefully is an absolute must-have mod for Rimworld. It is extremely well made and adds great replayability to the game. In my opinion it feels like just a part of the vanilla game now. Go check it out!
If you’ve found yourself here because you are searching for Rimworld and are on the fence about getting it check out my Rimworld Review.