Today we’re going to be covering branches in Project Zomboid. Tree branches are one of the most useful crafting items in Project Zomboid, they are used in creating good starter tools and weapons. We are going to tell you what branches are good for and how you can get them.
How to Get Tree Branches in Project Zomboid
The only way to get tree branches in the game is through foraging. You won’t need any skill levels or experience in foraging to get tree branches for foraging. Each time your character gets tree branches from foraging they will receive 1-3 pieces in their inventory. Read on to find out what you can craft with tree branches.
For a guide on how to forage in Project Zomboid, click here.

Through foraging you can obtain a lot of different useful items and resources. If you want to improve your chances of only getting tree branches then you should only check the box marked Materials. This will make sure you only pick up crafting materials from the ground. As tree branches are one of the crafting materials that can be obtained through foraging, chances are you will be getting a lot of them through this method.
What Are Tree Branches?
This one is pretty much self explanatory. Tree branches are branches that have fallen from trees! (Surprise I know!). The only method of obtaining tree branches is by foraging for them in Project Zomboid. Although you may think that you can get them by cutting down trees for wood, you cannot.

Tree branches are classified as a material in the game and cannot be used in any way as a melee weapon. They can, however be used to craft different tools and weapons. One of the best weapons currently as of build 41 is the spear weapon and can be crafted using tree branches. Each tree branch weighs 1.0 units of weight in Project Zomboid.
Crafting With Tree Branches
There are numerous different crafting options in the game. Tree branches can make a range of different tools and weapons. I will list all of the items that can be crafted using this material and write a little about how they can be helpful during your time in Project Zomboid.
Once the character gets a little experience in the spear skill, the spear is one of the strongest melee weapons that the player can get in the whole game. Due to it’s range and great damage at later crafting levels, the spear is king at the moment. Once an enemy is knocked down, an attack with the spear will generally finish them off i one hit, even at lower levels.
Due to the strengths of this weapon and the ease at which it can be crafted using tree branches it is highly recommended for newer players struggling with combat in the game. The spear is a game-changer.
Stone Axe

One of the most notoriously hard-to-find tools in Project Zomboid is the axe. The axe is one of the most useful items in the game as it allows players to cut down trees to get wood. Which is especially useful for barricading windows and doors. Being able to craft a stone axe using tree branches is a real game changer for Project Zomboid as you won’t have to spend so much time looting and looking for a fire axe or other type of pre-build axe.
Still if you are looking for another type of axe, you can check out this guide on how to find an axe.
Stone Hammer
The stone hammer is another tool that can be crafted using tree branches. This helpful building tool can also double as a strong blunt melee weapon. The hammer is not only your start into the world of building in Project Zomboid, but can help you roleplay as your favorite Norse thunder god.
Stone Knife

The stone knife can also be crafted using branches, ripped sheets and a chipped piece of stone. This is another helpful one to make early on as some of the other recipes with tree branches require a charp knife in their crafting materials.
Making a stone knife can help you make even more things with your collected tree branches!
Wooden Stake
Just named, stake in-game, the wooden stake is another item that can be crafted using tree branches. This wooden stake can only be crafted with the use of a sharp knife suck as the stone knife seen above. Once crafted the stake can be used as a weapon against the undead or in crafting other survivalist materials such as a makeshift tent.
The splint is a very important item to have on hand if you are travelling around on foot. Project Zomboid has a full health system with limb damage to boot. The last thing you want is to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a sprained ankle. Walking around on a damaged leg without a splint can injure your player even more. Make sure you always have a splint on hand in your backpack as you never know when sprinting is going to cause you more harm than good.
Related: How to Cook in Project Zomboid | How to Farm in Project Zomboid